Wet room waterproofing with liquid synthetics

1 Primer
KÖSTER BD 50 Primer
2 Waterproofing corners and wall floor junctions
KÖSTER BD Flex Tape K 120
KÖSTER Superfleece
3 Waterproofing outside corners
KÖSTER BD Outside Corner
KÖSTER Superfleece
4 Waterproofing inside corners
KÖSTER BD Inside Corner
KÖSTER Superfleece
5 Waterproofing wall penetrations
KÖSTER BD Wall Sleeve
KÖSTER Superfleece
6 Waterproofing floor drains
KÖSTER BD Floor Sleeve
KÖSTER Superfleece
7 Waterproofing layer
KÖSTER BD 50 Contrast
8 Tile adhesive
KÖSTER BD Flexible Tile Adhesive

A complete and robust waterproofing is a crucial prerequisite for the long-term usability of damp and wet rooms. Most tiles are inherently waterproof, but many grouting materials are not. For this reason, it is very important to keep the substrate dry and damage-free with the help of a waterproofing layer under the tiles.

Only a few building elements are so constantly exposed to water as kitchens and bathrooms. In these cases, a professional and crack bridging waterproofing material is required. Furthermore, it must be stable enough so that tiles can be applied on top of it.

The KÖSTER BD-System is a complete system for waterproofing kitchens, bathrooms and wet rooms underneath tiles. The dry and stable substrate is primed with KÖSTER BD 50 Primer and then waterproofed with the ready-to-use, solvent free, highly flexible sealing compound KÖSTER BD 50.

For the reinforcement of details and pipe penetrations in the construction, KÖSTER Superfleece is cut to shape and installed at corners and connections. Prefabricated interior and exterior corners, as well as wall and floor sleeves (KÖSTER BD Inside Corner, KÖSTER BD Outside Corner, KÖSTER BD Wall Sleeve and the KÖSTER BD Floor Sleeve) are also available.

The KÖSTER Superfleece or the KÖSTER BD Flex-Tape K 120 is embedded at the wall / wall, wall / floor transitions and at joints. In areas where a reinforcement is embedded, movements won’t cause damage to the waterproofing material.

Always adhere to the specifications in the respective Technical Guidelines.



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