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Hidroizolacija Male Sale na Kombank-Areni, Beograd, bez otkopavanja
U Decembru 2016. i januaru 2017. Kompaniji Koster Bauchemie AG je poverena reparacija neuspelog hidroizolacionog sistema u Maloj Sali Kombank Arene u Beogradu u Srbiji. Arena je bila domaćin Evropskog Atletskog Prvenstva u dvorani u Martu 2017 godine.
Video: On site Interview about the project
... VišeOne-handed adjustable high-pressure injection gun for KÖSTER 1C Injection Pump. This alternative method to a classic ball valve application is easy to use and is designed for a pressure of up to 250 bar. Suitable for a hose connection of M16 x 1.5 external thread and fits to KÖSTER HD Injection Hose. Includes KÖSTER Injection Whip (25 cm) and KÖSTER Grip Head (connecting thread M 10x1.0).
For injection of horizontal barriers (KÖSTER Mautrol 2K and KÖSTER Mautrol Flex 2K) and KÖSTER injection resins based on polyurethane.